moulded chocolates

Food Friday: Food Traditions and People

Winter is here and Christmas is upon us. Our family and friends are assembled. The serious cooking has begun. 

Christmas and Hannukah coincide this year, which is nice for our family. My husband has Lutheran roots, and I am Jewish. We have learned to be inclusive, and both holidays hold real meaning for us. Plus, we get all the good foods ! 

While we partake of many traditional holiday dishes, some treats have taken hold in our tribe. Each dish has a champion and ... a relationship to go with it.  Here is how it is playing out. 

One friend presides over the mass creation of decorated gingerbread houses every year. Another friend is the undisputed pie expert and can always tell what you are doing wrong. My son in law is the grilling king. My sister in law reliably arrives with snickerdoodles. My brother in law is a master of soups and chilis. Two nieces could go pro with cake decorating, and like to do their work here, in my kitchen. Great Grandmother roasts lamb. 

My husband is all about a fancy breakfast. He is one of those Nords who gets up early with a smile on his face. He makes waffles with fruit. Even at dinner we " give him a job he likes" which is making fruit salad. 

The youngest is starting to correspond with me from college about main dish recipes, usually with deer or elk, our red meat of choice. I owe him a custom cookbook, but have been slacking. Last week it was pot roast, and I got pictures. I think our culinary relationship is still forming. 

Our middle child cooks all the time. We have several dishes that bind us, but the most fantastical is our Buche de Noel. We also make fancy non-traditional Latkes. No mere white potatoes for us. We use sweet potatoes, yams, carrots, scallions and the like. I think this year we will fry in coconut oil. 

Our oldest is a skilled self taught chocolatier. This is what she and I do for the holidays. It is epic. We make moulded chocolates filled with ganache. I make the ganache, she makes the molds. Facebook and Instagram light up. So I though I'd share this little slice of our holiday with you. Have a Merry Christmas and a Happy Hannukah.