individual mandate

Medical Monday: Breaking News from the World of Obstetrics and Gynecology

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How stable are the ACA Affordable Care Act, aka Obamacare)  insurance plans? That remains to be seen. At present there is a bipartisan effort to shore up the so called ACA “marketplaces” . This means that certain lawmakers are trying to find a way to create a realistic budget to fund them. The Affordable Care Act was affordable since the Federal government supplied money to insurance companies to subsidize or pay for part of people’s premiums. 


Let’s roll back a second. Let’s make sure all this terminology is clear. 


Bipartisan= involving both Democrats and Republicans 

Marketplace = the system of insurance companies from which consumers buy health insurance 

Premium= the monthly amount consumers have to pay the insurance company to have insurance and to ensure that their insurance is in force 

Subsidies, aka insurance subsidies = payments from the Fed ( your tax dollars) to the insurance companies to defray (reduce) what consumers pay for their premiums. 


Republican concerns at the beginning of the administration change:

  1. Obamacare cost the Fed too much and made taxes too high (via the payment of subsidies to insurance companies) 
  2. Obamacare funded programs that powerful special interest groups opposed, i.e. birth control (via the Contraceptive Mandate) 
  3. Obamacare took away the choice of not having to get health insurance at all. ( Via the Individual Mandate) In other words, Obamacare law via the Individual Mandate required everyone to hold health insurance. 


Democrat concerns at the beginning of the administration change:

  1. Obamacare was not adequately funded and could run out of money if not addressed.
  2. Obamacare needed to continue to fund birth control as a human right and for the social and fiscal improvements it confers, ie. increased education, job productivity, individual savings, better health, fewer teen and unplanned pregnancies, fewer abortions. 
  3. Obamacare needed to continue to fund preventive care and cancer screening since in the long run it prevents serious disease and saves money 
  4. Obamacare need to continue to retain the Individual Mandate since
  • Each person is obligated to contribute to the insurance fund to make it stronger for everyone. The American Academy of Actuaries has gone on record saying that repeal of the Individual Mandate “... would lead to premium increases” and reduce the "incentive for healthy people to enroll and balance out the costs of the sick.”
  • Each person is responsible for covering their own care even if their health takes a downward and expensive turn, and they can only realistically cover it with insurance.
  • Persons who do not hold insurance and who end up getting emergency or unanticipated health care get care whether they can pay for it or not, and their bill is absorbed by everyone else. They are cheating the system. 
  • The ethic of the greater good should inform the Individual Mandate since health coverage enables health care and health care enables broad social benefits of all kinds. 

The deadline to enroll for Obamacare this year has passed. The site for enrollment,, was getting crushed right through until the end, and at one point, customers were instructed to simply leave contact information with the expectation of a call back. Many did not know the time frame for enrollment since the Trump administration cut funds for promotion of the program by 50%. Numbers on enrollment are not yet in. 

There is bad news and good news for CHIP, the children’s health insurance program. The bad new is that it will run out of money by the end of January. The good news is that there seems to be broad bipartisan support for refunding it. A bipartisan group of Governors has also come forwards and requested that the government renew finding for CHIP. The question is, what with all that lawmakers have left undone, and still need to do, will they get to it in time ? Remember, the Federal Government only has a budget through December 22nd, which is fast approaching. 

In medical news, we find a convergence of holistic medicine and technology. A new study published in the American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology uses app-guided acupressure to relieve menstrual cramps. The results compared this technique with medical therapy of oral contraceptive pills or typical analgesics and the results were significant. 

Sugar and inflammation. I do not know the exact relationship. Let’s talk about excessive sugar. In particular, a new study reveals that pregnant women who consume excess sugar in pregnancy are statistically more likely to bear babies who have asthma later in life. Asthma is an condition of the airways and is believed to be mediated by inflammation. Excess sugar in pregnancy is associated with many more problems, like excess weight gain, and gestational diabetes. 

It is well know that pregnant poorly controlled diabetics have increase risks of serious malformations including spina bifida and congenital heart defects.  In new research, pregnant women with high glucose levels in early pregnancy - even those who are not diabetic, are more likely to have babies with heart defects. The relationship is linear. 

Got your flu virus yet ? I hope so. There are TWICE as many cases of flu this year compared to last. Bottom line: the flu shot is safe and effective in and out of pregnancy. Talk to your doctor. It is particularly risky to skip it in pregnancy since influenza is much more dangerous in pregnant women. 

There is some expected fall out after last weeks publication about a small increase in breast cancer risk with long use of oral birth control pills. Authorities are hastening to point out that while this finding about breast cancer risk was noted, it has also been confirmed that oral birth control pills decrease the risk of uterus, ovary and colon cancer, stabilize bone density and obviously, prevent pregnancy and all of its potential complications. Risks need to be weighed with benefits. 

Stay tuned for more breaking news from the world of Obstetrics and Gynecology on the next episode of Medical Monday. I will have to decide what to do for Christmas week, most likely depending on the news at hand. Let's hope the researchers take a nice break for the holidays. The politicians, well, they can just keep working right on through as far as I am concerned. 

Happy Holidays. 

Medical Monday, Labor Day Version: Breaking News from the World of Obstetrics and Gynecology

The current administration continues to try to whittle away at the ACA (Affordable Care Act). This week, funding for the "advertising” for the ACA was cut. In particular, programs for health care enrollment were cut from 100 million to 10 million. 

At the same time, a bipartisan group of Governors has stepped up to craft and submit a proposal to stabilize existing insurance markets under the ACA. Their plan maintains several original ACA features, including the individual mandate, guaranteed subsidies payments, and funding to promote ACA enrollment. New features would include a 15 billion dollar fund to supplement the subsidies, as well as tax credits for insurance companies willing to enter markets with only one insurer. The bill also favors more State flexibility in the spending of their respective subsidies. 

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The most interesting news in policy is the Love Ernst Bill, also known as the “Allowing Greater Access to Safe and Effective Contraception Act” . It has been introduced by two Senators and two Representatives, all Republican, and all women. They are  Congresswomen Barbara Comstock (R-VA) and Mia Love (R-UT), U.S. House of Representatives to Senators Joni Ernst (R-IA) and Cory Gardner's (R-CO), in case you want to give them a shout out. 

  • It incentivizes oral contraceptives (OCPS) to be sold over the counter (OTC) in several ways. 1. It hastens the FDA approval process and waives the fees to do so. It would then provide for OTC OCPS for women 18 and older. 
  • It has also repealed the ACA’s provisions on using health medical and flex savings accounts (FSAs) on OTC medications. 
  • Finally it has repealed the ACA’s annual limits on flex contributions. 

This represents great progress in the national conversation, and I applaud these forward thinking brave Republican lawmakers. At the same time, I fully understand the position of ACOG, the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, of which I am a card carrying member. ACOG does not support the Love Ernst Bill. That is not because it is wrong, but rather because it does not go far enough. 

ACOG has stated that the available evidence shows that cost is a significant barrier to contraception. They state that the ACA’s strategy of birth control without copay is therefore the best strategy. ACOG also objects to the artificial age restriction of 18, and rightly points to the need to continue to curb the teen pregnancy rate, especially among those under the age of 18. Finally ACOG supports the provision of all forms of birth control, not just the birth control pill. 

At the present time, the use of IUDs ( intrauterine devices) is on the upswing. The developers of IUDs have come out with more brands and more sizes to meet the current demand and the particular needs of those who have not yet borne children. Nonetheless IUD use in the US lags behind our cohorts globally at 8% prevalence, while Belgium,for example is at 20% and South Korea at 70%. 

Egypt’s government is taking steps which show understanding of the relationship of contraception to prosperity. The government would like to employ contraception to control overpopulation, which they consider a threat to national development. They are deploying 12,000 family planning advocates to 18 rural provinces to address conservative beliefs on the matter. Perhaps they can also visit the United States as well. 

It is once again time to highlight the significant prevalence of post partum mood disorders. Time with a new baby is hard. Moreover, immense hormone changes are not always well tolerated. A new study published in the Maternal and Child Health Journal has shown that 21% of new mothers who have post partum mood disorders do NOT tell their physician. 

It should not be surprising then that a 14 year study out of Ontario has revealed that suicide is one of the leading causes of death in the pregnant and recently pregnant women. The study revealed that 5 % of deaths in pregnancy or the first year of motherhood were due to suicide. The study shows a clear need for comprehensive prenatal and post natal care with assessment for mood disorders and suicide prevention included. 

Let us not forget that Houston after Hurricane Harvey is a medical disaster. Several hospitals were just lost, and many had to be evacuated for repairs.  Beyond that, ambulances could scarcely travel, and caregivers had trouble getting to work at all. Much of the floodwater is polluted and the water supply is unsafe. All this spells a second wave of potential disaster from the threat of infectious disease. 

Polycystic Ovarian syndrome (PCOS) is a actually a cluster of conditions that involve problem with ovulation (egg production) and with carbohydrate metabolism. It turns out that those with PCOS not only have trouble getting pregnant, they have a higher complication rates in pregnancy, especially for gestational diabetes. 

A new global study has shown that perhaps we should all be eating fewer carbohydrates. The PURE study, which was published in the Lancet and presented at the European Society of Cardiology, showed that people who eat a high quantity of carbohydrates have a 30% higher change of dying compared to those eating a low carb diet. 

And in the truly awesome department, we look to the FDA approval of Kymriah, a new therapy for childhood leukemia. This is not actually a drug, per se. It is a technique, whereby the patient’s own white cells are extracted, genetically modified to kill cancer cells, then re-injected to do their job. It is being called a “living drug”. It produces remission in 83 % of cases. 

Gentle readers, you have work to do. Keep giving feedback to your elected officials, and even to those exceptional ones outside your district. 

And consider doing what you can for the those affected by Hurricane Harvey. Click on the satellite photo of the hurricane to donate via the Red Cross. 

Medical Monday: Breaking News from the World of Obstetrics and Gynecology

Policy news this week centered on reaction to the government handling of the proposals for healthcare perform. As before, observers from all sides have noted that proposed changes would result in over 20 million people becoming uninsured, adding to the financial and human burden that we would face. It would also result in premium increases of approximately 20% across the board according to the Congressional Budget Office, and this, well before the next election.

In a stunning turnaround Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Kentucky) warned that if the GOP senators could not get 50 votes required to repay and replace the ACA (Affordable care act), then, (emphasis mine) THEY MAY HAVE TO WORK WITH DEMOCRATS to repair the existing marketplace. The current proposal will, in fact fail since only three Republican votes against it could sink it, and there are many more Republicans than that opposed to the bill.

Delaying action on the GOP plan for healthcare until after July 4 recess week had one interesting unintended consequence. Congressmen returned home for about nine days, not just 4. In that timeframe they had plenty of time to hear from the local officials at home most pointedly, from the Governors of their respective States. Governors are worried about losing billions of dollars in Medicaid funding if the Affordable Care Act repeal bill is passed. Washington will not inherit all the problems that ensue if the ACA is repealed, they will.

Plans under consideration and go all the way from the Sanders bill introduced by Democrat Bernie Sanders which provides for "Healthcare for all", to a buffet style set of plans favored by senate Republicans from Texas and Utah, where one could buy plans in conformance with the Affordable Care Act or less costly, less comprehensive plans geared for healthier people. The problem of course with this is that it short-circuits the whole beauty of broad-based health insurance which pools risk and pools money. Money for low risk people subsidizes the poor and those who are misfortunate enough to sustain expensive and long-lasting illness. It is this exact feature to which many people object, not feeling an obligation to those less fortunate than themselves. I feel people of this opinion exhibit not only a lack of compassion but a lack of fiscal common sense. Money spent on the health of the poor, on early diagnosis, on pregnant women, and money spent keeping up on the care of the chronically ill is money saved and an insurance policy for a better future.

In the Texas and Utah plans there would be a multitiered system of healthcare where some people would not get all benefits. Physicians like me know that one's health cannot always be predicted and that the unexpected does happen. Thus, patients given the option of incomplete plans may find themselves wanting for adequate coverage. Physicians like me also cringe at the notion of a double standard in in health care since it is our training and our philosophy to believe that everyone should get the best of care all the time.

At the present time, under the Affordable Care act, IRS (The Internal Revenue Service) has a role in enforcing the individual mandate. The individual mandate is the portion of the Affordable Care Act which requires that individuals must maintain health insurance at all times or be fined. GOP lawmakers are currently working on a plan to prevent the IRS from enforcing the Affordable Care Act individual mandate. I think you would be hard pressed to find a physician who does not support the individual mandate. 

In our country, one must have auto insurance in order to exercise the privilege of operating an automobile on public roads. Conventional wisdom and existing data teach us that if one does not maintain auto insurance that one poses a significant liability to others. In my opinion, not having individual health insurance is exactly the same thing. Without insurance, one is less likely to obtain contraception, less likely to obtain vaccinations, less likely to obtain mental health and substance abuse treatment, and more likely to blow into the emergency room with some health crisis or accident costing the healthcare system and taxpayers a huge amount of money.

In medical news, the number of total births has declined for two years running. Most notably the teem birthrate has decreased to nearly 10%. Unfortunately rates of preterm birth continue to rise.

In the absurd department, both the UK and United States noted increasing rates of labioplasties not only among women but particularly among teenagers. A labioplasty is the surgical modification of the labia, the flaps covering the vagina, often for cosmetic purposes. Obstetricians and Gynecologists in both British and American Societies of Obstetricians and Gynecologists as well as Pediatricians have sounded the alarm over this trend indicating that it may be a sign of a deeper disorder called body dysmorphic disorder. They have called for clinicians to screen these patients accordingly. I also have to observe that this trend highlights the power of media images in our lives, including those provided by what must be classified as porn.

A recent study of robust design has revealed that women consuming large amounts of sugary foods and drinks in the latter part of pregnancy produces children who are at higher risk for allergies and asthma. The study was published in the European Respiratory Journal. It been hailed as a strong study with a large number of participants. A call has been made for additional research to understand exactly how this works.

In the we-already-knew-this department, a recent study has confirmed that women’s cognitive performance is not affected by her menstrual period. This was documented recently from a study published on July 4 in the journal Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience.

In the concerning department, new research has shown that poor sleep may be associated with an increased risk for Alzheimer's disease. It is not at all clear whether the poor sleep leads to the Alzheimer's or whether the impending Alzheimer's leads to the poor sleep.The study involved sampling the spinal fluid of cognitively normal people with an average age of 63. Specific physical findings are present in the spinal fluid which can be followed to determine this relationship. This is clearly an area deserving of more research and this is a step in the right direction. The findings were published online July 5 in the journal Neurology.

In the good news department, a new study has shown that simple aspirin may reduce the risk of complications for those pregnant women who have antiphospholipid antibody syndrome. Yet another study has shown that a simple dose of aspirin at 150 mg per day significantly reduced the incidence of preterm preeclampsia (toxemia) in high-risk women. 

Also in the good news department, clinical trials for Zika virus vaccine are underway. Zika virus can potentially affect all people who contract it,. Most distressingly, it produces serious birth defects in the fetal brain if the Zika virus infection is contracted by pregnant women during her pregnancy. A working group consisting of bioethicists, OB/GYN's, vaccinologists and others have recently released a set of ethical guidelines whereby pregnant women can be included in these clinical trials.



Stay tuned for more breaking news from the world of Obstetrics and Gynecology, right here, next week, on Medical Monday. And remember... it really matters when you contact your elected officials to tell them what you think. 

Medical Monday: Breaking news from the World of Obstetrics and Gynecology

Health and Political concerns for women have merged into one. Many of you have appreciated this for some time, but now the topic is mainstream. 

Last Wednesday leaders representing over half a million medical students and doctors gathered to lobby Senators against the so-called BCRA (Better Care Reconciliation Act).Among the leaders were the Presidents of The American College of Physicians, the American Academy of Family Physicians, the American Academy of Pediatrics, and the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG). They validated and reiterated widespread concerns that without the ACA (Affordable Care Act) or similar, people will delay or forgo care. For example, under the new proposal, older patients will have cost sharing reductions curtailed in 2 year. The leaders also voiced concern about allowing individual States to determine what constitutes essential benefits. Dr. Munger of the American Academy of Family Physicians indicated this compromising essential benefits would constitute a special threat to people with chronic, rather than acute conditions, since their essential health needs are ongoing. The President of the American Academy of Pediatrics indicated that there will be a calculable “ body count” associated with this proposed law. 

Dr. Haywood Brown, President of ACOG, stated the legislation represented an “ assault on women’s health”. He elaborated, saying BCRA could result in women and men paying differently for health care. It would end the guarantees on preventive care, i.e screening tests like paps and mammograms. Dr. Haywood also noted that fully 50% of pregnancies are unplanned. The BCRA bill would end guaranteed coverage of contraception and maternity services. These changes would worsen the already terrible trends in maternal mortality in the United states. He states he feared going back to the time when having a baby could lead to bankruptcy, and when treatments for cancer were not always within reach. Indeed, the Journal Cancer has published a study containing projections of the numbers of increased cases of late-stage breast cancer that will be diagnosed during to loss of access to screening mammograms. As if to drive home the point ,the Journal Cancer Epidemiology contains new research indicating that breast cancers appear to have been diagnosed earlier after the ACA was implemented. 

California has its own contraceptive requirement, a goal that many States are now have accomplished or are working toward. The California policy, in place since the first of the year, requires that insurers cover contraception. It also requires that they cover 12 months of it at a time. It is estimated that in California, it will reduce the number of unintended pregnancies by 15,000, the number of miscarriages by 2000, and the number of abortions by 7000. Health care costs will be reduced by 43 million dollars annually. 

Low income women are at particular risk if the BRCA goes through, since it would phase out the Medicaid expansion in a more permanent way than the ACA would. Of note, half of all births in the US are covered by Medicaid. One fifth of all American women use Medicaid. 

Many observers have noted that BCRA healthcare bill disproportionately affects women, since it targets maternity, screening, and contraception. Bill Cassidy (R-LA) has come forward to say that the law should include provisions for all insurance plans to include prenatal care and for laws that require employers to grant maternity leave for both parents. Hooray for Republicans standing up for women’s health ! I did a little research and found that Senator Cassidy and his wife are physicians who feel this aligns with their Christian values. Why is this so rare ? 

Another group is at risk of losing affordable insurance: Those who obtain their health insurance through their work. The Affordable Care Act currently mandates that businesses of a certain size offer their employees health insurance. That requirement is due to go, all or in part, by the wayside. 

Modifications to the BCRA plan are under consideration. GOP senators had considered scrapping the “ wealth tax” on those families making more than $275,000, but now they are considering keeping it to help pay for extra funds to combat the opioid epidemic. Furthermore, GOP senators have conceded, at the urging of insurance officials, that the individual mandate be kept indirectly in that a penalty fee will be levied against all those who do not maintain health insurance at all times. Insurance industry representatives have asked for this to help stabilize the insurance market. Personally, I think it is an important part of any health care plan, since it requires people to prioritize their health, it enables people to comPlanned Parenthoode in for care especially screenings, and it protects patients, caregivers, hospitals and the rest of us paying insurance against direct or indirect financial loss due to health mishaps. 

Two GOP Senators, both women, have criticized the BCRA over its defunding of Planned Parenthood. 

Personally I think it would be just fine if the GOP scraps the ACA then puts it all back together piece by piece, gives it a different name, and takes full credit for it. I just hope that, being Republicans, they find a fiscally responsible and sustainable way to fund it. I favor heavy vice taxes. Why ? Because they discourage vices ( true and documented !) and they make lots of money for the public coffers. Cigarettes are heavily taxed, but they could get taxed even more. Alcohol could be further taxed. Soda taxes could be tried but have not been popular… too bad !  Finally, in my opinion, marijuana should be taxed in those States where it is legal, for all but those with legitimate cards. FaIling these, I favor increased gas taxes and increased sale taxes on luxury items. 

On to the medical news. 

Zika precautions for pregnant and potentially pregnant women are still in place. Travelers heading anywhere south of the Mason Dixon line should inquire on the website about regional risk. 

Opioids. These are the pain pills or IV drugs, the morphine derived compounds that are so addictive. It turns out they are not really that much help with actual pain. It turns out they work less and less well over time, and that eventually, they need to be taken just to feel “ok”.  Patients often begin them for legitimate reasons, but then end up taking them just to cope. They may not even realize they are addicted. Doctors give them for legitimate reasons, but also because they are lazy. It is hard to say no, especially when you think that saying no will cause your patient to leave your practice and medical care altogether. A new study has found that about half of opioids are given for mental health disorders rather than pain. Physicians and patients need to be educated. It is estimated that half a million people will die in the next decade due to opioid abuse, unwitting or otherwise. 

Flu vaccine may be delivered by a painless patch in the future. A new study published in The Lancet reports on this research. I wonder if this will enhance vaccination rates. 

Increased rates of air pollution are associated with shortened life spans. A new study published in the New England Journal of Medicine indicates that “ safe” levels may be lower than previously imagined. Indeed, there may be no “safe” level at all. 

ACOG recently held its annual meeting. New research presented there focused on media representations of female genitalia. Dr. Cheryl Iglesia noted that images of female genitalia are “highly-curated, and extensively retouched” before being presented on the internet, “ leaving men and women little idea of the real range of normal efface genitalia”. She has suggested that this distortion is associated with a sharp rise in labioplasty surgery in the last year. Ten thousand such surgeries were done in the past year, a rise of 23% compared to the previous year. ACOG has issued a Committee Opinion document “...expressing concern about the lack of data and deceptive marketing practices surrounding a number of cosmetic vaginal surgeries”.

So much news ! Stay tuned here next week … for Medical Monday. 

Meanwhile contact your elected officials at !! It's Independence Day ! Exercise your freedom !! 

Medical Monday: Breaking News from the World of Obstetrics and Gynecology

Policy news continues to dominate. The new administration's efforts to repeal the ACA (Affordable care Act) continue. However, Republican leaders are scrambling to resolve the internal GOP divisions which have developed over healthcare policy particulars.

The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists has again gone on record opposing any  changes that will limit women's reproductive coverage in this country. However OB/GYNs in this country also concerned about the so-called"Global Gag Rule”. The global gag rule is a policy that states that advising about or providing abortion disqualifies an international health care agency from receiving funds from the United States. It has been in and out of effect depending on the administration in office over the last 20 years. Dr. Daniel Grossman at the University of California San Francisco has recently published an editorial which sites research indicating that the “Global Gag Rule” actually increases the number of abortions in sub-Saharan African countries, due to reduced access to contraception. This is not a surprise since these international healthcare organizations use their funds for the spectrum of healthcare needs, including contraception. When they lose funds, they lose it for everything across-the-board. 

Dr. Grossman has also published about research on this country indicating that restricting access to abortion though administrative hoops or clinic closures does not reduce the number of abortions. It merely causes the  percentage of later second trimester abortions to increase. In case this is not clear, later procedures have higher risks of complications of all kinds. This is what we call an unintended consequence. 

Again it has come to light that if tax credits replace subsidies to pay for healthcare, the wealthy will benefit the most. That is because they have the most taxes against which to apply deductions. Younger people will also benefit disproportionately, since their premiums are low and the GOP proposal includes  giving the same dollar amount of credit to each person regardless of the amount of their premium. In contrast to these benefits for the young and wealthy, such GOP replacement plans as currently drawn will in increased costs for the majority of middle income and middle aged Americans.

The new administration has made it clear that it does not favor retaining the penalty for those who do not buy health insurance, the so-called “ individual mandate”.  Generally people with chronic health conditions make arrangements to have some form of health insurance coverage, since they know they will need it. It is the young andthe healthy who tend to skip purchasing health insurance since they think they can get away with it. I have two thoughts about this. Number one, They may not realize that if they have anything as simple as a car accident with a broken leg, they may end up with a bill that is tens of thousands of dollars. When they cannot pay this bill, it damages their credit, and the costs are absorbed by the rest of us who have taken the trouble to obtain insurance. Systemwide, their failure to get insurance also has effects. In particular, if the young and healthy tend to go without insurance, they are not contributing to the pool, and this drives up the insurance prices for the elderly and the unwell.

Utah has joined the league of States who now legally require abortion providers to counsel women about a procedure that does not exist, the “abortion reversal” procedure. Members of that House have dissented, saying the procedure is not backed science, and is medically inaccurate.  

A controversial proposal to require Medicaid recipients to work is on the table. A number of Republican Governors are promoting, this, ostensibly hoping people will work themselves right out of their Medicaid eligibility. Medicaid currently ensures one in five Americans. 

The CDC(Centers for Disease Control) has confirmed that American women who were pregnant with Zika  have a 20 fold increase in certain birth defects. The CDC continues to recommend restriction of travel to Zika affected areas for pregnant women. 

In the good news department, policymakers of various kids are working to secure women’s health care despite the repeal of the ACA. State based bills to preserve services of contraception, prenatal care, STI ( sexually transmitted infection) screening, sterilization and counseling are being introduced around the nation. 

The Virginia General assembly has recently outlawed FMG-female genital mutiliation. FMG is removal of the external female genitalia, including the labia and clitoris. It is carried out between infancy and the age of 15. It has no health benefits and commonly causes chronic pain, and urinary tract issues. At this time, 200 million women in 30 countries around the world have been “cut”. It is widely practiced in Africa, the Middle East and Asia and is considered an extreme form of discrimination against women. It is intended to render women less sexual, less “unclean", less likely to stray, and more marriageable. No religious scripts prescribe it, though practitioners believe the practice has religious support. The World Health Organization (WHO) considers it a violation of human rights. International human rights groups have applauded the Virginia decision. 

In more good news, Colorado has passed laws allowing pharmacists to prescribe oral contraceptives. Medical screening by the pharmacist will be required. ACOG has applauded the measure, citing the safety of the medications, and the improved access to contraception. 

Stay tuned next week for more interesting news from the world of Obstetrics and Gynecology.