Medical Monday Delayed due to First Frost


Gentle readers. We never know exactly when the first frost will hit until it is right upon us. Today we heard it will be Monday night for sure, complete with a Winter storm warning, snow flurries on the Valley floor and larger buildups in the mountains.

Since I will be in clinic in the morning and operating in the afternoon, I had to bring in the frost sensitive vegetables today.  All the tomatoes had to come in, red, green, large and small. All the peppers and zucchinis did too. This all took longer than expected. Then, with this embarrassment of beautiful produce, I had to cook up quite a bit of it, and store the rest. We had stuffed and roasted zucchini with pesto toast, kale salad with tomatoes, peaches, and balsamic vinegar, and crustless peach pie. Everything is safe in the barn, and tomorrow I will be able to write. 

Thanks for your patience.