Structure Sunday: 3 Ways to get ready for the week

It is a rare day when I learn a new word. But in all fairness, this word hasn't been around forever. It is: LISTICLE. It is a composite of list and article. 

We've all seen them on blogs and in magazines in line at the grocery store. They are considered an easy way to write, and as such are looked down upon by writing and blogging snobs. But, as a doctor who teaches,  I am going to go on record as being in favor of lists and listicles. 

Lists simplify and unify a topic. They are a way of grouping items, and they help us know how many items we need to remember. And, as I have said before, establishing structure, habits and routine in life is critical to achieving optimal health, both mental and physical. (Think daily gratefulness journal or flossing your teeth. ) 

Here is my first little listicle for you on this Structure Sunday : 3 Ways to Get Ready for the Week. 

1. Clean your house. 

Did you know that there is scientific evidence that a messy space depresses the mood just as much as a depressed mood results in a messy space ?  Don't let either happen to you. (Click here to see just one of the articles.)  Just remember that you don't have to do it all at once. Click here for a great listicle entitled " 6 Ways to Clean House When You're Depressed". Here are some more interesting articles on this topic. 

Messy Room and Depression

How Cleaning and Organizing Can Improve Your Physical and Mental Health 

2. Clean your desk. 

It should come as no surprise that cleaning your desk would have the same type of mental and physical benefits. Cleaning your desk means opening all your mail, checking all your bills, and recording all your responsibilities on your calendar, with alerts. You can also dust, and redo your stacks and idea boards, making things aesthetically pleasing as well. This is a great way to take charge, reduce stress,  and make your like more beautiful. Check out this first rate blogging: 

A Surprising Happiness Booster ? Cleaning My Office 

3. Set your goals.

Look at goals for the Quarter, Month, Week and Monday. Use your choice of paper, cards or an App like Evernote. Psychology and self help experts the world round advocate the setting of goals. But it is only recently that we have gotten some real help with this. We need to have SMART goals.

SMART is an acronym for Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, and Time bound.

Make sure all your goals meet the SMART criteria and you will have not just a smart, but a brilliant week.  


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